Who I am

I'm an old curmudgeon that has a lot of varied interests in Science Fiction. I've started putting this site together so I could share some of my enthusiasms.


One of my PRIMARY areas of interest. In many ways it is the premiere game system of Space Warfare. SFB  has been around for 25+ years and is still going strong. It's based on the Star Trek Original Series (TOS) and has the most detailed and extensive background of ships races and other fun aspects than any other game system that has been licensed by Paramount pictures.

Fan Fiction

I do truly enjoy reading (and at one point writing) fanfics. Generally I prefer Crossovers (X/O's) to most other types. Simply because they are things that couldn't/wouldn't be allowed to happen in any sort of official story. For example B5/SG or B5/ST. I've read any number of fun and entertaining stories in that genre and I heartily recommend them. But there is no way by Crom that would allow those to become "official".

I will "eventually" post links to some of my favorites fanfics that are of decent length and are of course COMPLETE. I will also place what pitiful efforst I have made in that area.


I'll be posting some of my ire in this section. Generally my rants wont be political but will be fanbased. Much like the one I'm working on for my first rant regarding combat at warp speeds compared to the franchises only sub light.


Reviews of different books movies etc etc. Mostly they will be things that I consider the lesser known but IMO greatly enjoyable works of various types.