Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Question:

1.You are limited to a single squadron for the entire tournament.

2.The Tournament format is single elimination.

3. All ships are fully refitted as appropriate. (Since there are no PF's then
there is no need for mech links etc.) Unless otherwise indicated.

4. If you have trouble Identifying the ships indicated then simply post on the
SC4QT yahoo group or SFU SC4QT thread and I will help you out ASAP.

5. Other than spreading out duplicate races match ups are randomly assigned.

6. UIM is not considered a refit under the applicable Refit rule. Ships that
have UIM as Standard equipment as listed on their SSD have UIM. (For Example the
F5C/L has 1xStandard UIM.) Ships that have UIM listed as a refit, (the Lyran DW
is a prime example) have to purchase the UIM with the Commanders Options or will
have had it already purchased for them as indicated in the squadron

7. Commanders Options (and drone loadouts) may be changed between rounds.

8. The Commanders options and drone loadout are under rules S3.26 and S8.19

9. Drone Speeds are already factored into your purchased squadron. (IE: All
drones are Medium or Fast and are Type 1's.

10. Warp Booster Packs must be purchased with your CO's.

11. Orion Option mount packages are set for the tournament.

12. All drones are Type 1's. To have a type IV you must swap out 2 spaces of
drones of the appropriate speed. You CANNOT gain a IVF except by swapping out
TWO IF drones if one of the drones is IM then the IV is only speed 20.